Non Toxic Way To Kill Fleas, Ticks, Mites, Lice, And Internal Parasites
If your dog or cat has fleas/ear mites/intestinal parasites here’s how to get rid of them: Use diatomaceous earth.
Here’s what it is: Diatoms are an ancient type of hard-shelled algae and this diatomaceous earth dust is their tiny coral-like little shells.
This dust is harmless to humans and animals but it righteously kills parasites in two ways:
1. It microscopically pierces the insect’s skin causing the flea to hemorrhage to death
2. It suffocates the flea by coating the skin with fine dust (many bugs including fleas breathe thru their skin).
This is why you see wild mammals and birds giving themselves dust baths- the dust kills the parasites. And diatomaceous earth works the best- because of the microscopic sharp points. Again, it’s harmless to the animal. In fact, some people even eat diatomaceous earth for a variety of health reasons. Note: It can be dangerous to inhale this dust over time so apply outdoors or in a well ventilated area.
This is a safe and extremely effective way to eradicate fleas, as well as other pests. You only need a little bit, a couple small handfuls rubbed into the animal and then dusted off and it will kill all the fleas. Apply once a week until the fleas are gone. With a real bad case, you can also sprinkle it in the yard but be careful where you do because it kills good bugs too.
Diatomaceous earth is much cheaper and much healthier for your pet than topical prescription medications like Revolution and Frontline. These medications should not be used every month as over time they can be very toxic to the animal’s system. Once in a while is ok. Diatomaceous earth works very well and can be used at any time. It is also safe for kittens and other baby animals. I would not use flea collars at all as they introduce a steady supply of pesticides into the animal’s blood. More info on toxicity risks of flea poisons:
Note: BUY FOOD GRADE DIATOMACEOUS EARTH. You want to buy food grade diatomaceous earth because that ensures it’s pure (diatomaceous earth on its own is completely non-toxic but if you buy it at the pool store (it’s used in pool and spa filters) it could possibly be contaminated with something else. The food grade stuff is still very cheap.
Diatomaceous earth kills internal parasites like intestinal worms and their larva. Again, there are prescription dewormer medications and they are ok once in a while but I would not recommend using them every month. Diatomaceous earth kill internal worms with their microscopically sharp edges which pierce the parasite’s protective coating, so they soon dehydrate and die. The larvae is affected in the same way. Internal parasites can be controlled by giving Diatomaceous Earth internally.
Again, it is very important to note that it must be food grade – the diatomaceous earth used in gardens and pool filters can be contaminated with industrial agents and hurt your animal. Food grade is completely nontoxic. Diatomaceous Earth can eliminate roundworms, whipworms, pinworms, and hookworms within seven days of being fed daily. To be most effective, Diatomaceous Earth should be fed for at least 30 days, to catch all newly hatching eggs and the cycling of the worms through the lungs and back to the stomach.
Dogs under 35 lbs (15.5 kg) – 1 teaspoon (5g)
Dogs over 35 lb (15.5 kg). – 1 tablespoon (15g)
Dogs over 100 lbs (45 kg) – 2 tablespoons (30g)
Small Cats and Kittens* 2-6 ½ lbs (.9 kg-3 kg) – ½ tsp (2.5g) of food grade DE
Full Grown Cats 7-13 lbs (3 kg-6kg) – 1 tsp (5g) of food grade DE
Large Cats >13 lbs (>6kg) – 1 ½ tsp (7.5g) of food grade DE
*If puppies or kittens are still nursing or only taking milk we recommend you hold off on adding DE to their diet until they move to solid food.”
Info on farm animal dosages:
Also, diatomaceous earth kills headlice!