on the eve of private prison’s destruction
tweet: https://twitter.com/NYSenBenjamin/status/1148308226791878656
Prisons,military, and healthcare MUST NEVER be for profit
The Scandinavian prison system shows how well rehabilitation works:
For example, Dutch prisons keep closing because they don’t have enough prisons to fill them: https://qz.com/644914/the-netherlands-keeps-having-to-close-its-prisons-due-to-lack-of-prisoners/
“Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of what Scandinavian prisons are offering. The U.S in 2014 had a recidivism rate of 52 percent. With a recidivism rate as low as 16 percent in Bastoy Prison (Norway), a few years ago, and now currently sitting at 20 percent, Norway is among the lowest rates in the world, and becoming a leader in treating crime effectively.” https://anonhq.com/norways-recidivism-rate-one-of-lowest-in-the-world/
Felons and the incarcerated must have their right to vote restored
America’s private prison system is simply another way racist corporations and politicians have sought to oppress and enslave black people. Felons and the incarcerated must be reenfranchised as well- the United Nations has agreed since 1948: http://thebernreport.com/prisoners-have-a-right-to-vote-according-to-the-universal-declaration-of-human-rights/