Great News- Florida Outlaws Dog Racing!
Florida is the nation’s largest greyhound racing state, housing 11 of the country’s 17 remaining tracks. On November 6, 2018 Florida voted to outlaw dog racing.
Every year approx. 20,000 dogs are killed as a result of greyhound racing.
Thousands of greyhounds are bred for the track each year but only a handful survive. The rest, which are deemed unsuitable for racing are killed, often by electrocution, clubbing, starvation, or lethal injection.
When these dogs become too old or too slow and their days of usefulness are over, they are killed or sold to laboratories to be used for testing.
Greyhounds are subjected to severe confinement with little socialization for an average of 20 hours a day. Their enclosures are typically just big enough to stand in.
Here are the states that still allow dog racing. If you live in one of these states, please contact your congressperson and tell them you want it banned:
Up to 15,000 greyhounds in Florida are going to need homes. Now a bunch of rescue groups are working tirelessly to make sure these dogs are able to find forever homes by the time the law comes into effect in 2020.
For info on how to adopt a retired greyhound:
This site lists greyhound rescue groups by state and around the world:
Reddit has many threads discussing what it’s like to adopt a rescue greyhound.