Some Facts On Nuclear Energy
–WHO is estimating higher cancer rates will be seen in the population near the Fukushima disaster.
–Incidence of thyroid cancer is now being linked to the 3 Mile Accident.
–A worker at San Onofre in CA blew the whistle on the poor safety and training conditions there and shared with the public how on August 3, 2018, a 100-ton thin walled canister filled with highly radioactive nuclear waste was almost dropped 18 feet to the ground below a small cliff, which would have resulted in a devastating accident. Luckily the ledge held out for over an hour because that’s how long it took the crew to even notice what was happening.
–Problems like leaks and cave-ins are happening in WA state at Hanford, the nation’s largest and most contaminated nuclear site. It has 56 million gallons of radioactive waste sitting in old and leaky buried tanks that are only a few hours upriver from Portland. It’s been 20 years and $19 billion spent and the waste is still there.
–The bottom line reveals that nuclear cannot compete with green energies. More than 50 years and tens of billions of dollars in federal subsidies later, nuclear power is still expensive. Renewable energies are already cheaper than nuclear and are only becoming cheaper and more widespread with each passing year.
Note: Natural gas is not a green energy nor is it a smart choice. Fracking pollutes the groundwater and causes earthquakes. Natural gas industry is source of one of the most potent greenhouse gases.
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