3….. “A female manta, covered in fishing line, gently approached these divers asking for help. They managed to quickly remove the line after which the manta followed them around for 30 minutes.” The divers removed the line from of the sea. source: https://youtu.be/hLww3kCEgrI
5….. Here is a mother whale and her baby chilling with a mother dolphin and her baby.
8….. This video is about Sperm whales and how they are the loudest animals on earth. At 236 decibels, their click sounds can literally vibrate a human body to death. But when research divers approach them the whales welcome them into their pod; often forming vertical pods around the divers while modulating their clicks so the divers aren’t hurt. Here’s a vertical pod formation: ↓In this photo, the whales are sleeping.
9….. Here’s the whole video. It’s 6 mins long and fascinating: https://youtu.be/zsDwFGz0Okg
10….. ↓
11….. Haida art, Cadborosaurus
12….. 2nd pic of Caddy
13…… These sightings have occurred before, like Nessie etc: ↑
14…… I think this explains them
source: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/3rhdoo/sailors_and_boaters_of_reddit_whats_the_most/