The Books
“Wet Medicine Dreams” is Kim Campion’s second collection of short stories about sex, violence, aliens, and personal and planetary growth. There’s a lot of westerns in this one. Inside you’ll find a lonely prospector who falls in love with an alien way out in the woods one night, a young vegetarian cowboy and expert pistolman out to avenge his family’s death, a little girl who has an interaction with Bigfoot in the future Glacier National Park, and some other more contemporary stories like one about an injured Afghanistan veteran who gets better and becomes an organic farmer, a woman who gets abducted by aliens and they use their healing butt probe to fix her intestines damaged by celiac disease, and one sci-fi story that takes place in Kansas in 2097. In all these stories the heroes triumph and grow while encountering trippy manifestations of reality.
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“My Pink and Black Heart” is a collection of short stories about sex, violence, aliens, and personal and planetary growth. Inside you’ll find a girl who has to kill a home intruder and also heal herself of acne by discovering the toxins in dairy, a father who has a genius environmentalist delinquent son who keeps getting in trouble with the cops, one lady is a mental case until she gets therapeutically hypnotized and realizes aliens abducted her and healed her body, another lady gets rescued by a stalker serial killer who is in love with her, one kid stops being a drug dealer but is angry he’s stuck in an ER with no money, one girl realizes she can raise animals from the dead, another lady has to feed her gross mom through a tube, but she gets to have sex with a neighborhood pool boy. In all these stories the heroes triumph and grow while encountering trippy manifestations of reality.
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Read The Books
Table of Contents:
Table of Contents:
7. “There Ain’t No Cheeseburgers Where We’re Goin”
9. “The Smell of Night Flowers”
10. “The Old Guy in the Waiting Room”