Untapped Rubber trees can grow up 130 feet (40 meters) and live up to a 100 years. Tapped trees only live approximately 20 years or less in plantations and remain a quarter of that height and stunted. It is cruel to slowly bleed a living being to death.
It is scientifically documented that plants have consciousness and cognition: they alter their own growth patterns, emit different poisons depending on which pest is eating them, and feed their babies etc. I am looking forward to when plants have legal rights protecting them from cruelty.
Also, acres of rainforest are slashed and burned to make way for rubber plantations (which are found in developing tropical nations). We need a new eco and plant friendly substitute for latex.
Here’s some blighted plantation rubber trees:
Here’s some healthy wild rubber trees:
Here is a fascinating documentary on the intelligence of plants: https://kimcampion.com/neat-nature/the-intelligence-of-plants/