September 21, 2017- One morning Anchorage resident Tim Newton heard noises out on his deck. He looked out the window and said at first he thought it was a house cat “but then I noticed it had really big feet and little tiny hairs on its ears.” He realized he was looking at a wild lynx kitten…
Newton’s wife wrote on his photography page “Tim was awakened by noises on our deck last week – and looked outside. In astonishment, he grabbed his camera.. and can you believe it? Mama Lynx and her SEVEN kits!! She called to them and they all lined up right outside in front of where he was standing (he was inside the screen door!) They proceeded to run and play on our deck, and then in our yard!”
“Normally when you see a lynx, you have just enough time to get your camera out, and then they’re gone,” says Newton. “”So I was thrilled I could get a couple pictures of them playing on the deck.”
The kittens played with their mom in the backyard too. In total, the family was made up of eight lynx – seven kittens and their mother.
Tim Newton’s photography page: