One way to get a nice toned curvy ass and firm thighs is to go up stairs three at a time. But if you have no stairs around, these Bulgarian Squats work JUST AS WELL- and you don’t have to leave the house. You just need a sturdy chair.
Just make sure your knees don’t go over your toes (this will protect your knees, keep them at a 90 degree angle when you’re squatting down). This exercise is perhaps the quickest way to firm your butt, make it perky, and remove cellulite.
p.s. If you aren’t into hardcore exercise, just do 10 or 20 on each leg and call it a day. And then you can just take a leisurely walk around the block. Everybody should be taking leisurely walks. It releases tension. Believe it or not, just taking a nice walk at a peaceful pace will fix up your ass as well as get your circulation going and support a healthy heart and mind. Leisurely walks are better for the body than fast walks. Combine walking along with these Bulgarian Squats and real quick you’ll be healthier, more peaceful, and most importantly- you’ll have a sweet new delicious ass.