There is growing concern among health officials regarding the health hazards posed by non ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) generated by various electrical devices.
EMR (electromagnetic radiation) is also sometimes referred to as EMF, which stands for Electromagnetic Field/Frequencies. EMR and EMF are the same thing and this article will simply use EMR. EMR has been linked to various health issues, including cancer, infertility, sleep disorders, and developmental problems, and others. Peer reviewed studies from respected medical bodies around the world will be cited throughout article and more listed at the end.
There are two types of electromagnetic radiation:
Ionizing Radiation: Examples of high-energy radiation include x-rays and gamma rays. They, as well as some higher energy UV radiation, are called ionizing radiation, which means they have enough energy to remove an electron from (ionize) an atom or molecule. This can damage the DNA inside of cells, which can result in cancer.
“X-rays and gamma rays can come from natural sources, such as radon gas, radioactive elements in the earth, and cosmic rays that hit the earth from outer space. But this type of radiation can also be man-made. X-rays and gamma rays are created in nuclear power plants, and are also used in smaller amounts for things like medical imaging tests…”
But this article isn’t about ionizing radiation like x-rays. It’s about Non-Ionizing Radiation.
Non-ionizing radiation: This is any type of electromagnetic radiation that does not carry enough energy per quantum (photon energy) to ionize atoms or molecules; it can’t completely remove an electron from an atom or molecule. In laymen’s terms, Non-ionizing radiation has enough energy to move atoms in a molecule around or cause them to vibrate, but not enough to ionize them (remove charged particles such as electrons).
This is the type of radiation the health community is now discovering has it’s own health dangers. When you read about “the dangers of EMR”, or how a personal electrical device could be emitting “EMR”- it’s non ionizing radiation that they are talking about. Although in the short term it isn’t as harmful as ionizing radiation (X-rays etc), studies have shown that non-ionizing radiation is dangerous.
There are two types of Non- Ionizing radiation to be concerned about: Radio Frequency (RF) radiation and Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) radiation.
Radio Frequency (RF) radiation is what cell phone signals, Bluetooth signals, and WiFi signals are made of. Radio frequency (RF) radiation, which also includes radio waves and microwaves, is at the low-energy end of the electromagnetic spectrum. If RF radiation is absorbed in large enough amounts by materials containing water, such as food, fluids, and body tissues, it can produce heat. This is how your microwave oven works. Devices like cellphones, computers, Bluetooth, WiFi stations, and microwaves all emit RF radiation.
Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) radiation is generated by a device’s hardware. ELF is also generated by household appliances like a toaster or electric blanket. When electricity passes through a wire, it creates an electromagnetic field that exerts force on nearby objects, including living beings. At one time, it was believed that low-level electromagnetic fields were not harmful, but many scientists now agree that ELF fields are indeed hazardous to human health. They are now considered “probable carcinogens,” and have been linked to cases of childhood leukemia, lymphoma, and other health conditions.
ELF fields induce electric fields and currents in the body; the exact mechanism by which exposure leads to cancer has not been established but one potential mechanism may be due to ELF’s ability to alter the expression of certain genes; turning them on and off at inappropriate times, which may cause them to initiate cell proliferation. At very high field strengths, ELF fields cause nerve and muscle stimulation and changes in nerve cell excitability in the central nervous system.
Cellphone EMR
Cell phones emit the type of EMR called RF (which stands for radio frequency). Based on evidence of the association between RF radiation and cancer, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) recently classified RF radiation as “possibly carcinogenic to humans.”
Finally, because children have thinner skulls and their brains are still developing, they are even more vulnerable to EMF radiation than adults.
Here are some important statistics on brain tumors in young people and the link to cell phone use:
Malignant brain tumors are the most common cause of cancer-related deaths in adolescents and young adults aged 15-39
Brain cancer is also the most common cancer occurring among 15-19 year olds.
source: American Brain Tumor Association
Do not hold a cellphone to your head while making a call. Use a wired headset.
Bluetooth EMR
Don’t use Bluetooths- they emit RF electromagnetic radiation just like your cell phone does. Bluetooths work like little radio receivers and they will emit RF right next to your brain whether you are using a Bluetooth to talk on your cellphone wirelessly or to listen to music wirelessly. Do not use wireless earbuds to listen to music- they are just miniature bluetooths (the cellphone uses a radio signal to send the music to the earbud).
It’s safest to use a wire like the one pictured above when using a cellphone. I like this brand. These are relatively cheap, and last for about a year. They double as headphones too.
Is infrared scanning (like FaceID) dangerous?
Do not use the infrared scanning mechanism on your smartphone. Studies showing that infrared bio scanning is dangerous, in particular to the retinas of the eye.
Laptop EMR
Make sure you’re protecting your genitals and internal organs from your laptop electromagnetic radiation (EMR). The Journal of Fertility and Sterility put out by the American Society of Reproductive Medicine published a study that found use of laptop computers decreases human sperm motility and increases sperm DNA fragmentation- thus posing potentially serious health risks and infertility.
Many doctors are now recommending not placing the laptop or tablet on top of your body unless you have a proper shield that blocks the radiation, like the Defenderpad.
I like this product because it is independently laboratory tested and has all the statistics on its website, This company also manufactures tablet shields too.
Note: I do not financially benefit from recommending any of the products in this post.
Is WiFi dangerous? What about wearable tech like the Apple watches which emits EMR?
I don’t think you need to worry about having devices like wifi modems in your home- the EMR from these devices lessens exponentially the further you are away. Being 1 meter away (3 feet) from the WiFi station and you’re fine. Standing next to one while dusting it is not a problem. The concern is about having an EMR emitting device directly on your person on a regular basis. Smartwatches may not be that big of deal but I prefer not to have an EMR emitting device strapped to my body 24/7 due to EMR health concerns.
Household Appliances like Electric Blankets and Microwave Ovens
In 2002, IARC published a monograph classifying ELF magnetic fields as “possibly carcinogenic to humans.”
It’s important not to use devices that generate an electromagnetic field for prolonged periods directly on the body (something like a pacemaker is so tiny it’s harmless) whereas an electric blanket or heating pad is much stronger. Don’t use electric blankets or pads.
Everyone by now should know it is not safe to stand directly in front of a microwave oven while it is operating. As long as you’re standing approx. 2 meters away (5 to 6 feet) from it though you’ll be ok, the radiation from these devices lessens exponentially the further you’re away.
Compact Fluorescent Bulb Health Risks
CFL’s contain mercury inside the bulb, which emits ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This UV exposure has been linked to skin disorders and skin cancers:
CFL bulbs also generate electromagnetic frequencies harmful to health. Leading EMF expert Dr. Magda Havas explains the health hazards associated with these frequencies in her paper “Health Concerns associated with Energy Efficient Lighting and their Electromagnetic Emissions”:
What about LED (light emitting diode) bulbs?
LEDs contain lead, arsenic and a dozen other potentially dangerous substances. They also cause serious eye strain and migraines. Avoid purchasing these.
The Safest Light Bulb
The safest and healthiest light bulb is the good old fashioned incandescent light bulb. They are no longer sold in many stores so you may have to purchase online. These bulbs contain far less toxins than the newer bulbs and they emit a gentle, non-glaring warm spectrum of light that does not cause migraines or eye strain.
There need not be environmental concerns about the energy required to operate incandescent bulbs because incandescent light bulbs use up a minute fraction of electricity when compared to other devices in domestic or industrial settings. Incandescent bulbs are a part of our healthy, green future.
Cell Phone Tower Risks
Four children got cancer after a cell phone tower was installed on their campus. It is now being removed after parents spent years fighting the school district and Sprint.
These should not be permitted to be built near human habitation.
The Dangers of 5G
5G towers emit even stronger amounts of radiation.
The International Association of Firefighters opposes cell towers on fire stations after experiencing health problems like headaches, memory issues, confusion, and weakness.
Dr. Gunnar Heuser conducted a study on these firefighters and saw that their brain scans showed cell damage even from low-level RF. ““We found abnormal brain function in all of the firefighters we examined,” Heuser said.
Over 230 scientists from 41 nations published more than 2,000 peer-reviewed papers on EMFs and human health and they concluded that there is a “serious concern” about “increasing exposure to EMF” — something 5G towers would do on a grand scale.
The Swiss organization Pro Natura has published new studies, which indicate that the frequencies used by 5G increase the body temperature of insects and presents a serious threat to their populations.
5G towers must not be constructed near human habitations and safer technology must be explored and implemented.
Here are some of the many studies published on the health dangers of EMR:
Martin L. Pall, PhD, is a Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University. He has published many studies on the biological effects of electromagnetic fields and speaks internationally about how wireless radiation impacts the electrical systems in our bodies. His research on EMF radiation reveals 8 major ways EMF radiation impacts our bodies:
2012 BioInitiave Report: A Rationale for a Biologically-based Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF)
The 2012 BioInitiave Report documents bioeffects, adverse health effects and public health conclusions about impacts of non-ionizing radiation Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) including Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) and Radio Frequency (RF). The BioInitiative 2012 Report has been prepared by 29 authors from ten countries, ten holding medical degrees (MDs), 21 PhDs, and three MsC, MA or MPHs. Among the authors are three former presidents of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, and five full members of BEMS.
National Toxicology Program Cell Phone Radiation Study
In a $25 million, in-depth study, conducted by the National Toxicology Program (NTP), researchers found that rats exposed to RF radiation had higher rates of glioma (a type of brain tumor), as well as malignant schwannoma (a very rare heart tumor), than unexposed rats.
*note: The animal testing in the above experiments is unnecessary. See this article to understand why humanity does not need animal testing in order to advance medically/technologically.
American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM)
Electromagnetic and Radio Frequency Fields Effect on Human Health:
For over 50 years, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has been studying and treating the effects of the environment on human health.
In the last 20 years, AAEM physicians began seeing patients who reported that electric power lines, televisions and other electrical devices caused a wide variety of symptoms. By the mid 1990’s, it became clear that patients were adversely affected by electromagnetic fields and becoming more electrically sensitive. With the advent of wireless devices, a massive increase in Radio Frequency (RF) exposure has come with reports of hypersensitivity and diseases. Multiple studies correlate RF exposure with diseases such as cancer, neurological disease, reproductive disorders, immune dysfunction, and electromagnetic hypersensitivity.
Maternal Exposure to Magnetic Fields During Pregnancy in Relation to the Risk of Asthma in Offspring:
Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) and Potential Adverse Health Affects:
Oxidative mechanisms of biological activity of low-intensity radiofrequency radiation:
The Effects of Cell Phone Waves (900 MHz-GSM Band) on Sperm Parameters and Total Antioxidant Capacity in Rats:
Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields cause DNA strand breaks in normal cells:
Mobile phone and cordless phone use and the risk for glioma – Analysis of pooled case-control studies in Sweden, 1997–2003 and 2007–2009:
Tumor promotion by exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields below exposure limits for humans:
Occupational exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields and brain tumour risks in the INTEROCC study:
Mobile phone use and brain tumors in the CERENAT case-control study:
Intensive mobile phone users at higher risk of brain cancers, says study:
Relationship between exposure to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields and breast cancer risk: a meta-analysis:
Multifocal Breast Cancer in Young Women with Prolonged Contact between Their Breasts and Their Cellular Phones:
Exposure to electromagnetic fields (non-ionizing radiation and its relationship with childhood leukemia: A systematic review:
Acute ocular injuries caused by 60-Ghz millimeter-wave exposure:
Genetic Damage in Humans Populations Exposed to Radiation From Mobile Towers:
Human disease resulting from exposure to electromagnetic fields:
Mobile phone use and health symptoms in children:
Use of laptop computers connected to internet through Wi-Fi decreases human sperm motility and increases sperm DNA fragmentation from Nascentis Medicina Reproductiva, Argentina and Eastern Virginia Medical School, Dept of Obstetrics and Gynecology:
Effect of mobile telephones on sperm quality: A systematic review and meta-analysis:
Mobile phones affect multiple sperm quality traits: a meta-analysis:
Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation (RF-EMR) from GSM (0.9/1.8GHz) Mobile Phones Induces Oxidative Stress and Reduces Sperm Motility in Rats:
Exposure to a 900 MHz electromagnetic field for one hour a day over 30 days does change the histopathology and biochemistry of the rat testis:
Structural and ultra-structural study of rat testes influenced by Electromagnetic Radiation:
Effect of long-term exposure of 2.4 GHz radiofrequency radiation emitted from Wi-Fi equipment on testes functions:
The effects of long-term exposure to a 2450 MHz electromagnetic field on growth and pubertal development in female Wistar rats:
Correlation between Exposure to Magnetic Fields and Embryonic Development in the First Trimester:
Effects of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Signal Exposure on Brain Glucose Metabolism: