Why Dairy Is Toxic
Milk is a major cause of acne, and lots of other diseases but especially cancer. The countries that consume the most dairy also have the highest rates of cancer. Milk contains growth hormones which are designed to help a baby cow or other mammal grow. But when humans ingest milk, the extra growth hormones cause tumors to grow instead.
There is enough growth hormone in organic milk for it to be bad, and then they add even more hormones to the factory farm cows that they treat so horribly. That’s the whole other part of this, how cruel factory farming is. It is so bad for the animals, and for the environment, and our health. But even organic milk is not good for us.
Big dairy eaters also have the highest rates of osteoporosis. The truth is, you hardly get any calcium from milk, because the body has to actually burn its own reserves of calcium to break it down. Your bones actually get weaker if you ingest it. Dairy proteins are also potent allergens, this is why a lot of folks get bloated and all mucousy in the back of their throats after they drink it. You can ask any singer, they won’t touch milk before a performance.
Dairy also can cause joint pain and inflammation: “Histamine is a chemical that naturally occurs in your body to protect against infection. During an allergic reaction to milk, histamine is created in an excessive amount, which causes inflammation. The tissue between your joints becomes inflamed, placing pressure on the surrounding areas, which causes pain. The Center for Food Allergies states that consuming dairy products can cause an allergic reaction resulting in joint pain a few hours or even a day later. Most other food allergy symptoms appear within minutes of ingesting dairy products.” https://www.livestrong.com/article/437115-dairy-products-that-cause-joint-inflammation-pain/
The solution is to stop dairy.