Black-footed Cat
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Cordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Subfamily: Felinae
Genus: Felis
Species: Felis nigripes
Black Footed Cat Conservation Status:
The Black Footed Cat is one of the smallest wild cats in the world. It weighs on average only 1-2 kg (2-4 lbs) and is 20-25 cm (8-10 in) tall.
The Black Footed Cat lives in the arid lands of southern Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, and Angola- but not in the driest parts of the Namib or Kalahari deserts. They seem to enjoy grassland type areas best, which is where they can find a lot of rodent and bird dinners. During the day, they hide out in abandoned burrows or in termite mounds.
Black Footed Cats have buff-colored fur covered with thick black spots and stripes. They have bigger heads in proportion to their body than is usual in the cat kingdom. The underside of their paws and the paw pads are black, hence their name. Black Footed Cats are basically nocturnal, sometimes crepuscular (active during twilight hours and early dawn).
It is said a Black Footed Cat when cornered can be quite fiercesome. In Afrikaans they are called “miershoop tier” which means “anthill tiger”. They have been known to take down birds and hares larger than themselves. Black Footed Cats live up to 16 years.
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