Burzynki- this doctor’s cure rate of cancer is higher than chemotherapy and it does not harm the body
I watched this documentary about a doctor in the US who cures cancer and his success rate is higher than chemotherapy. He uses Antineoplaston therapy: non toxic peptides and amino acids that target cancer genes and tell them to turn off. These peptides also tell cancer suppressing genes to turn ON.
Watch the documentary here: http://www4.burzynskimovie.com/watch-burzynski/
Chemotherapy is a multi billion dollar business. The pharmaceutical industry by controlling the FDA was able to sabotage some of Burzynski’s clinical trials (not all of them though) and then launch a federal lawsuit against him. Even federal prosecutors conceded that the cancer doctor they put on trial is saving lives. Burzynski won the lawsuit. He’s still practicing because numerous patients he cured testified for him court.
p.s. If you don’t think its possible for corporate interests to control the FDA, then watch this five minute video: https://kimcampion.com/organic-health/aspartame-nutri-sweet-is-poison-if-you-watch-one-thing-watch-this/
Top University Hospital in Japan Releases Major Study Corroborating The Effectiveness of Burzinsky’s Antineoplaston Treatment
A leading research hospital in Japan (Kurume University Hospital) did their own research into Burzynski’s treatment protocol and they just released their findings in March 2015. After 27 years of independent research, the results of Japan’s randomized clinical trials using Antineoplastons were published and the results showed that Burzynski’s Antineoplaston therapy was not only remarkably effective, it enabled the patients to live TWICE as long than with chemo alone.
In this video , here is the Chief Oncologist in charge of the study in Japan discussing the results.
The study showed that Antineoplaston therapy prolonged the disease-free interval and overall survival of the patient. Fifty percent of the control group (the group only receiving chemo) lived on average 36 months. Fifty percent of the group receiving chemo PLUS Antineoplaston therapy lived 70 months.
Chemotherapy is an extremely destructive and primitive way to treat cancer and it does serious damage to the body. Dr. Burzynski has emphasized that the Antineoplaston therapy works best when the patient’s immune system has not already been battered by chemotherapy. But in this extensive 27 year long study, it was revealed that even with the damage from the chemo administered before and during the trial, fifty percent of the patients who received the Antineoplastons therapy still survived twice as long.
Burzynski’s Antineoplaston therapy is a much safer treatment for cancer with a higher cure rate than chemotherapy.
Burzynski’s Clinic Website: http://www.burzynskiclinic.com
Note: I am not paid by or affiliated in any way with the Burzynski Clinic. Also, I am not a medical doctor. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.